Have you ever experienced a symptom or condition related to hormonal imbalance like mood swings, brain fog, PMS, PMDD, endometriosis, infertility, irregular periods, fibroids, night sweats, hot flashes, low libido,…
I cringe every time I hear about how a health “professional” said to a client, “There’s no way you could be eating in a caloric deficit and NOT lose weight” (essentially implying that they are either poorly tracking their caloric intake or simply flat-out lying).
I cringe every time I hear about how a health “professional” said to a client, “There’s no way you could be eating in a caloric deficit and NOT lose weight” (essentially implying that they are either poorly tracking their caloric intake or simply flat-out lying).
I cringe every time I hear about how a health “professional” said to a client, “There’s no way you could be eating in a caloric deficit and NOT lose weight” (essentially implying that they are either poorly tracking their caloric intake or simply flat-out lying).
I cringe every time I hear about how a health “professional” said to a client, “There’s no way you could be eating in a caloric deficit and NOT lose weight” (essentially implying that they are either poorly tracking their caloric intake or simply flat-out lying).
Why You May Be Having Trouble Losing Fat In Your Mid-Section (and no, it’s not just a matter of eating less calories)… If you have fat that you’ve been trying…
Can You Actually Be Addicted To Food? In this video, I address how food addiction is indeed a real thing, and how you begin to recover. This is a really…
Is Popcorn A Healthy Snack?! Learn why I no longer eat popcorn as a daily snack, and why you may want to watch your consumption as well. Guys, I used…
“Why Am I Bloated?!” The 5 most common reasons why you can’t seem to beat the bloat: Digestive disorders – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, etc. Fluid Retention Dehydration and…
“I used to live and die by the number on the scale!” Many of us have heard that you shouldn’t rely solely on the scale to assess your weight loss…