Go with me here… Pretend you are a goldfish, and the water in your bowl has taken on a nasty brown color and pungent smell. Would you rather have your…
You know how a lot of us wish there was this magic pill that would take away our symptoms without putting the time and energy into making a lot of…
Your symptoms are REAL. They are your body’s form of communication. And when the body speaks we need to listen But few things are more frustrating than when your PRACTITIONER…
If you’re a seasoned member of our community, you know by now that I’m a huge fan of using binders as part of a health regimen, particularly the bioactive carbon…
Forgive yourself for what you didn’t know before you learned it…. When we look back on things that we WISH we would have learned sooner in life, it can be…
Dear little Lyssa, I wish I could go back to the frustrating moments when you were a 5-year-old girl desperately trying to understand why your belly was always so upset.…
And by coffee, I mean a coffee enema😂 In full transparency, coffee enemas are not my favorite thing to do (mostly because of the time commitment being about an hour…
I’ve said it 1 million times over, and I’ll say it again… The world we live in today is just too toxic.. Our bodies were not designed to be able…
*The look I give when people say, “Nahh, I couldn’t have a parasite…” Truth is, my friend Dr. Todd Watts says it best “if you have a pulse, you have…
My MENTAL HEALTH really changed when I stopped asking myself, “Why am I so lazy?” And started asking: “Why does my body need so much rest right now?” Why do…