My [Top 2] Swaps to Reduce Toxic Load

You likely have heard me preach that one of the first steps to detoxing is minimizing exposure to these toxins/pathogens in the first place.

But when we start realizing all of the ways that our bodies accumulate toxicity, I know it could often be a bit overwhelming when it comes to knowing where to start.

The water we drink, the air we breath, the food we eat, the practices we implement, the personal care products we use, the home care products we use, the furnishings of our home, etc all have the potential to add to our toxic load bucket.

So just as I do with every client, I want to give you the TOP 2 SWAPS I typically have clients focus on first

**Remember, do what you can, with what you have in this season. But if I had to pick my top 2, these would be it**

Purified Water

Drinking non-purified water, whether well water or tap water, is one of the greatest sources of toxicity. Pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, chlorine, hormones, prescription meds, parasites, etc., can all find their way into your unfiltered water.

My favorite water purifying systems:

  1. My Pure Water Distillers. Use code BOMBSHELL for 5% off all units. Here’s the link to the one I use and love! Distillation is the only way to 100% remove all contaminants, so this is my preferred method of filtration whenever possible.
  2. AquaTru Reverse Osmosis systems. This link gives you a $100 discount on all units! I personally use the counter top unit with the glass carafe!

For tap water testing records, EWG Tap Water Database is an awesome tool to see what past results have looked like if you’re on municipal water. And if you ever want to test to your own water (well or tap), Tapscore is one of my favorite companies to do so.

For more on water filtration education and reviews of other filters like Berkey, check out my Water Highlight on my Instagram Profile.

Purified Air

Dust, pollen, mold spores, VOCs off-gassing from furniture or drifting inside from outside traffic, pesticide and herbicide residue drifting from lawn and garden treatments, etc… all of these can easily make their way into your home. Many of us spend about 90% of our days indoors, where the air can be up to 100 times more polluted than what’s outside! This is why I use Air Doctor air purifiers in my home (use that link to get up to $300 off). 

Even if you decide to go with another brand, PLEASE be sure to use the features of the Air Doctor as a guide for what you’re looking for (i.e. you want a HEPA + Carbon filter combo, the HEPA should filter down to at least 0.007 microns, etc)

Dusting and vacuuming regularly can greatly help to support better quality air in the home too!

For a more comprehensive walk through of other sources of toxicity and an extensive list of the personal care, home care, and other products I recommend to “toss the toxins”, check out my 3-Day Drainage Clinic

Take it one step at a time, my friend!

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